Girlz; Get locked into this: 5 Step to take to impress a man on the first date

Every woman wants to look beautiful and attractive, especially on the first date!

We are sure most of girls always wondered about the things men notice first in you and didn’t get an honest answer yet. Well, men aren’t so hard to understand.

We’ve prepared the list of things men notice first in women, so you can use it to impress a man on the date.

1. Eyes

One of the things men notice first in women is their eyes because they can tell a lot about a person. The eyes can tell you if a person is interested in you or not.

2. Smile

There are a lot of surveys about the things men notice first in women which has shown that when you first meet someone a nice smile indicates interest. Well, that’s not very strange because who doesn’t like to look at a smiling person?

3. Hair

Most men think that beautiful and healthy hair is a sign of health and youth. So, don’t forget to make a nice hairstyle for the date.

4. Legs

Well, it’s not surprising that men like attractive legs and that is one of the things they first notice about a woman. Our advice for you is to dress appropriately!

5. Chest

A lot of you thought this is the first thing men would notice in woman. Well, you were wrong; in fact, many researchers had shown that a man does notice a woman’s chest but only after her eyes and smile.

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